Exclusive Features That Shape An Instant Messaging App Solution
Exclusive Features That Shape An Instant Messaging App Solution
In this modern era, an average Internet user has 8 social media accounts. Establishing communication via social media handles was a trend a few years back. Now, it has become an integral part of people’s lives.

Instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, LINE messaging, etc., have surged in popularity among the audience. These messaging platforms eliminate the need to call friends/family as they can communicate with each other anytime, anywhere. 

If you’re an entrepreneur eyeing to invest in a real-time chat app development, you need to load your platform with enticing features. In this blog, let’s discuss some of the cutting-edge features that can transform your ordinary instant messaging app into extraordinary. 

Unlimited file uploads: People send important documents seamlessly with one another via the messaging app. Do not restrict the file size or document type and enable users to make unlimited file transfers in a flash. 

Conversation search: Scrolling past an array of conservations can be quite challenging. Let users search for a specific conversation by typing any word or sentence without any hassle. 

Video & voice calling: In the view of offering an enriched app experience, video & voice calls play a significant role. With people establishing communication with each other via video/voice calls, you can enhance customer engagement rates. 

Instant push notifications: What’s an instant messaging app without immediate updates? By enabling push notifications, users get regular updates on messages, eliminating the necessity to check the app every time. 

Advanced privacy settings: Nowadays, users consider privacy as a primary constraint over any other parameter. By integrating advanced privacy settings in your chat app solution, users can restrict their last seen, activity, profile picture, etc., as per their preferences. 

Custom stickers: User interaction is key to any messaging app’s sustainability. Stickers, GIFs, etc., are a great way for users to interact with one other. This way, while users enjoy an unparalleled app experience, you get to build your brand simultaneously. 

Wrapping up,

With increasing reliability towards smartphones, instant messaging apps have already gained an irreplaceable place among users. Investing in an instant messaging app solution can come in handy for remote working professionals amid COVID-19. You needn’t hesitate any longer. Reach out to an app development company, implement these features, and launch the app right away.