
The vector images are defined mathematically, based on their geometric characteristics. To be precise, a vector image is described by a set of 3d animation college geometric primitives that describe points, lines, curves, and polygons to which we can attribute colors and shades. They are radically different from raster images, which are described as a grid of properly colored pixels.
1. In most cases, vector images will require lesser disk space than a bitmap. They are mostly formed by flat colors or simple gradients because of which they do not require a lot of disk space. Lesser the information to create the image, smaller is the file size. Thus, they are given more preference in comparison to other images.
2. Vector images do not lose quality when they are scaled. In principle, a vector image can be scaled indefinitely. In the case of matrix images, a point is reached where it is evident that the image is composed of pixels. Thus, the quality of vector images is superior to other forms of images.
3. They can be easily saved and modified in the future. The best part is that, the process of modification is quite simple as well. All kinds of changes can be easily managed without any difficulty. Even if a file is modified, the resultant file does not occupy a lot of space. This is another reason why they are used across industries.
4. The process of creating them is quite simple as well. In fact, using simple drawings we can get complex vector