
Evaporators Systems | Alaquainc
Acids, Alcohols, Aloe Vera, Ammonium Sulfate, Apple Juice, Aroma Recovery, Boric Acid, Brewer’s Malt, Calcium Salts, Caprolactam, Caustic Soda, Citric Acid, Citrus Juice, Coffee Extract, Collagen, Copper Sulfate, Desalination, Dextrose, Distillers Slop, Ethanol Stillage, Fructose, Gelatin, Glucose, Glycerin, Glycols, Grape Juice, Green Liquor, Hydrochloric Acid, Herb Extracts, Juices, Kraft Liquor, Lactose, Methanol, Milk, Motor Oil Refining, Phosphoric Acid, Potassium Salts, Red Liquor, RO-Reject, Sodium Salts, Solvents Separation, Steepwater, Stickwater, Stillage, Sucrose, Sugars, Sulfates, Sulfites, Sulfides, Syrups, Tomato Juice, Tropical Fruits, Urea, Waste Lubrication Oil, Wastewater, Waste Automotive Oil recovery, Whey, Yogurt, Zero-Liquid-Discharge (ZLD) applications, and others…
In multiple-effect evaporators with TVR, the heating medium in the first effect is the product vapor from one of the associated effects, compressed to a higher temperature level by means of a steam ejector (TVR). The heating medium in any subsequent effect is the vapor generated in the previous effect. Vapor from the final effect is condensed with incoming product, supplemented by cooling water. The condensate is high quality water that can be used as boiler feedwater, CIP liquid, for preheating the drying air of an associated spray dryer, or any other application.
In evaporators with MVR, the heating medium in the first effect is vapor developed in the same effect, compressed to a higher temperature by means of a fan or blower (MVR).
Energy Consumption
Since prices for steam and electricity vary by region, the choice between MVR and TVR (and in the case of TVR, the number of stages) depends on local prices, possible utilization of hot condensate, and depreciation of the capital cost. Generally a TVR has lower CAPEX but higher OPEX, whereas an MVR has higher CAPEX but lower OPEX which makes it attractive. Both systems produce the same product quality as long as certain critical design parameter requirements are met.
Compact Evaporator Design Has Multiple Advantages:
Alaqua’s multi-purpose compact evaporators have numerous advantages that make them excellent choices for dairy, beverage, specialty food, and industrial fluid applications.
Heating of the evaporator is typically by live steam or by thermal vapor recompression (TVR), with some vapors recycled for improved efficiency.
This evaporator design is functionally identical to the time-tested and broadly accepted long-tube falling film evaporators that are so extensively used for food, pharmaceutical, and many industrial applications.
ALAQUA supply solutions & equipment worldwide to meet your processing requirements, offering Forced Circulation Evaporators, Falling Film Evaporators, Dairy Evaporators, Evaporative Crystallizers, Cooling Crystallizers, and many others.
Alaqua 7004 Boulevard East, Suite 28A,Guttenberg, NJ USA 07093
201 758 1577