
The lightest olefinic hydrocarbon or organic hydrocarbon is ethylene, which is generated from a variety of hydrocarbons and is widely utilised in the production of polymers such as fibres, polymer plastics, and other organic compounds. The most common feedstocks utilised to make ethylene are naphtha and ethane. Butane, propane, coal, methanol to olefins (MTO), and gas oil are among the other feedstocks used to make ethylene.
Ethylene is a plant growth regulator that regulates and stimulates the opening of flowers, fruit ripening, and leaf shedding at a trace level across the whole plant life cycle. Egyptians utilised this method to speed up the ripening of cut figs back in the day. While the Chinese use incense to hasten the ripening of pears in a contained chamber. This plant hormone is generated mostly in the roots, stems, tubers, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds of fully grown plants.
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