
The kidneys remove waste from the body, allow hormones toform red blood cells, regulate blood pressure, and ensure the correct amount ofmineral content in the body. Kidney failure forces the need for kidneyreplacement. However, finding a matching kidney donor is very challenging andso, an alternative treatment named dialysis has opted for. Dialysis helpsremove waste from the body, as well as prevent them from building up in thebody, and maintain a safe level of certain chemicals in the blood such asbicarbonate, sodium, and potassium to control blood pressure. There are twomain types of kidney dialysis equipment such as Hemodialysis and Peritonealdialysis.
Hemodialysis requires a patient visit to a clinic and uses amachine for blood purification, while peritoneal dialysis utilizes the abdominallining to filter the blood. Dialysis patients are very familiar with theirtreatment routine, go to the clinic, have their temperature and blood pressuretaken, get weighed, get stuck with needles, have tubes connected from theiraccess to the dialyzer, and then sit in the chair until it is time to gohome. Most people require three sessions a week of hemodialysis, with eachsession lasting about 4 hours. This can be done in a hospital or at home. Adoctor or a medical professional inserts two thin needles into an arteriovenous(AV) fistula and taped them into place. Of which, one needle slowly extractsthe blood and transfers it to a dialysis machine or dialyzer. The needles areremoved after a dialysis session and a plaster is applied to stop the bleeding.
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