
RootsAnalysis has announced the addition of “Endocannabinoid System TargetedTherapeutics Market, 2020-2030”report to its list of offerings.
Overtime, extensive R&D on the potential health benefits of cannabis, haveenabled medical researchers to identify a number of pharmacologically activeingredients that offer clinical benefit, minus the addictive properties of thecrude substance. Currently, several stakeholders in the pharmaceutical industryare actively engaged in the efforts to develop leads based on natural andsynthetic derivatives of cannabinoids.
KeyMarket Insights
Over175 drugs targeting the endocannabinoid system are currently under development
Most cannabinoid-based drug candidates are beingdeveloped to target the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Nearly 45% of such drugs arepresently being investigated in clinical trials, while 50% are in thepreclinical / discovery phase. Majority of these therapies (60%) are designedfor oral administration.
Morethan 60 companies claim to develop endocannabinoid system targeted therapeutics
Post 2010, there has been a significant rise in thenumber of companies working in this domain; such companies represent 63% of thetotal number of players. Majority of the firms engaged in this domain (74%) arebased in North America, followed by those headquartered in Asia-Pacific (16%),Europe (8%) and Latin America (2%).
Partnershipactivity has grown at an annualized rate of 35%, between 2017 and 2019
The maximum number of partnerships were observed in 2019within this segment of the pharmaceutical industry. Majority of theseagreements were reported to have been inked for research purposes (20%). Inaddition, more than 35 merger / acquisition deal were signed between 2016 and2020; service / facility expansion emerged as the most prominent key valuedrivers for such agreements.
Closeto 600 grants were awarded for supporting research on endocannabinoid systemtargeted therapeutics, since 2016
Almost 45% of the total amount awarded in the form ofgrants, was under the R01 (in support of health-related research anddevelopment based on the mission of the NIH) mechanism. Further, grants (394)worth USD 147 million were awarded to research projects related to endocannabinoidsystem.
Atpresent, therapies intended for the treatment of neurological disordersrepresent the majority share of the overall endocannabinoid system targetedtherapeutics market
Most of the therapies targeting neurological disordersare intended for the treatment of epilepsy. In addition to neurologicaldisorders, therapies intended for autoimmune disorders, cancer and geneticdisorders are likely to capture significant market opportunity in the foreseenfuture.
Theover USD 5 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the Endocannabinoid System TargetedTherapeutics Market hasbeen analyzed across the following segments:
TargetDisease Indication
· Cancer
· Genetic Disorders
· Neurological Indications
· Others
Routeof Administration
· Oral
· Inhalation
· North America
· Europe
· Asia-Pacific and the Rest of the World
Thereport features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whom,endocannabinoid system targeted therapeutics are considered as a promisingalternative for the treatment of a diverse array of symptoms associated with amyriad of human diseases. The report includes detailed transcripts of thediscussions held with industry experts.
· Oludare Odumosu (Chief Executive Officer,Zelira Therapeutics)
· Andrea Small-Howard (Chief ScientificOfficer, GB Sciences)
· Steeve Néron (Chief Operating Officer, TetraBio-Pharma)
· Stephen Dahmer (Chief Medical Officer, VireoHealth)
· Anthony Kievid (Director of Business Development,Echo Pharmaceuticals)
· JANAKAN KRISHNARAJAH (Chief Operating Officerand Chief Medical Officer, iX Biopharma)
Theresearch includes detailed profiles of key players (listed below); each profilefeatures an overview of the company, its financial information (if available),drug portfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.
· GW Pharmaceuticals
· Corbus Pharmaceuticals
· Tilray
· Tetra Bio-Pharma
· Botanix Pharmaceuticals
· Kalytera Therapeutics
· Therapix Biosciences
· Echo Pharmaceuticals
· Avicanna
· GB Sciences
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