Dredging Market Overview, Scope and Advancement Outlook till 2026
Dredging Market Overview, Scope and Advancement Outlook till 2026
The dredging market can be segmented based on type, end-user industry, and region. Different types of dredging vessels are suction, jet lift, air lift, bucket, and others.

DredgingMarket: Overview

Dredging is an excavation activity usuallycarried out underwater, in harbors, shallow seas, andfreshwater areas with the purpose of gathering upbottom sediments to deepen or widen the sea bottom or sea channel.The dredging technique is often used to keep waterways and ports navigableand create an anti-sludge pathway for boats. It is also used as a way toreplenish sand on some public beaches, where sand has been lost dueto coastal erosion.

Dredging Market: KeySegments                                                                        

The dredgingmarket can be segmented based on type, end-user industry, and region.Different types of dredging vessels are suction, jet lift, air lift, bucket,and others. The suction type of dredging vessel operates by sucking through along tube, akin to some vacuum cleaners on a larger scale. The suctionvessel is further bifurcated into trailing suction and cutter suction. Jet liftdredging vessel uses the Venturi effect of a concentrated high-speedstream of water to pull the nearby water, together with bed material, into apipe. Airlift is a type of small suction dredging vessel. Bucket dredgeris equipped with a bucket dredge, a device that picks up sediment bymechanical means, often with many circulating buckets attached to a wheelor chain. Other types of dredging vessels include pneumatic, waterinjectors, and snagboat. Based on end-user industry, the dredging market can besegregated into oil & gas, trading, tourism, andothers.     


Increase in global trade carried out through the sea and rise intransportation of goods through the sea using large container vessels and shipsare factors offering lucrative opportunities to the dredging market. Portinfrastructure needs to be expanded; dredging is required to keep ports inworking condition. Global demand for energy and gas has been rising.Exploration of oil and gas is carried out primarily in remote areas. For thisprocess, dredging companies are required to construct ports. Dredging is alsobeing carried out on beaches to keep them in prime condition. Dredging is acapital intensive process. This is one of the major restraints of the dredgingmarket. New technological advancements are emerging in order to lowermanufacturing costs and increase the productivity of dredging.

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DredgingMarket: Regional Outlook

In terms of geography, the dredging market in Asia Pacific isexpanding due to the rise in population in the region. This has increased theneed for oil exploration and telecommunication purposes from different sourcesbeneath the water. It has also boosted the demand for subsea activities.Hotbeds regions of subsea activities in Asia Pacific are primarily located inVietnam, Australia, China, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The dredging market inNorth America has been expanding due to the increase in oil & gasactivities in offshore regions. Demand for dredging market has been rising incountries such as France, Germany, and the U.K. in Europe owing to the rapidincrease in marine activities. Demand for dredging is expected to increase inLatin America and Middle East & Africa in the near future.

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DredgingMarket: Key Players

Key players operating in the Dredging market include RoyalBoskalis Westminister, China Harbour Engineering Company, Van Oord, and DemeGroup, Jan De Nul, Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Corp, Weeks Marine Inc., HyundaiEngineering and Construction Co. Ltd.



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