Did You Know Everything About Aerospace Aluminium Alloys?
Did You Know Everything About Aerospace Aluminium Alloys?
It would be a truism to say all the planes are different with different requirements of materials. Military aircraft have fewer flight hours in a life and fatigue and corrosion are less of a consideration than in civil aircraft with the required life of 30,000 hours or more.

Did You Know Everything About Aerospace Aluminium Alloys?

It would be a truism to say all the planes are different with different requirements of materials. Military aircraft have fewer flight hours in a life and fatigue and corrosion are less of a consideration than in civil aircraft with the required life of 30,000 hours or more.

When the properties of aluminum alloys are concerned, there is usually a trade-off. The aluminum-zinc-magnesium alloys have high strength, but the sudden responsibility cracks in an unloaded condition due to the retention of internal stress after the heat treatment. For more information, You can visit: