
The medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions is known as dermatology. Through microscopic and optical examination, the diagnosis is made. Additionally, the gadgets for diagnosis are widely employed to improve the course of treatment. The prevalence of skin diseases, including hair loss, acne, eczema, and psoriasis, has increased due to the world's fast rising levels of air pollution, which has raised demand for Dermatology Devices. By causing oxidative stress, a number of contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, oxides, and UV radiation harm the skin.
Devices used in dermatology aid in the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions. Dermatology Devices can be used for electrodessication, curettage, topical chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy, Mohs micrographic surgery, and skin biopsy. There are many different types of skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, rosacea, ichthyosis, vitiligo, hives, and seborrheic dermatitis. The symptoms and severity of skin problems vary. These can also be either temporary or permanent, as well as painless or painful. While certain skin conditions may have inherited roots, others may have situational reasons. Skin problems range from the trivial to the potentially fatal.