
Dengue is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by denguevirus. Symptoms usually begin three to 15 days after infection. These includehigh fever, vomiting, headache, muscle & joint pain, and a characteristicskin rash. A vaccine to prevent dengue (Dengvaxia) has been licensed, and isavailable in some countries for people aged between nine and 46 years. TheWorld Health Organization recommends that the vaccine should only be given topersons with confirmed prior history of dengue virus infection. The vaccinemanufacturer, Sanofi Pasteur, announced in 2018 that people who receive thevaccine and have not previously infected by the virus could be at risk ofdeveloping Dengue Vaccines Market, if they are infected after beingvaccinated.
Mosquito reproduction andproliferation are aided by disrupted sanitation services and limited watersupplies, while mosquitos have a longer active season due to warmertemperatures. Climate change is expected to increase the prevalence of denguefever, which will raise the global market for dengue vaccinations.
This study includes anin-depth competition analysis, as well as the present ground scenario andfuture progress estimates for the Dengue Vaccines industry for 2017-2030. Ourresearch report focuses on changing industry trends to help organisationsidentify market opportunities and establish actionable strategies to expandtheir global footprint. The client may make well-informed decisions based on aclear depiction of competition analysis of key companies in the DengueVaccines Market, price, product portfolio, financial situation, growth techniques,and regional presence in the Global Dengue Vaccines Market
The Dengue VaccinesMarket research provides readers with comprehensive market knowledge and adetailed explanation of the area in which they operate. Furthermore, thisresearch study provides an amazing combination of tangible views andqualitative inspection to assist businesses in achieving long-term success.This report combines all-encompassing market studies with relevant data usingindustry-leading research methodologies and tools. In addition, this researchfocuses on a competitive analysis of key companies by examining their productportfolios, pricing, gross margins, financial status, growth strategies, andregional presence.
by Category
· Live AttenuatedVaccines
· Chimeric Live Attenuated Vaccines
· Others
by Product
· CYD-TDV (Dengvaxia)
· Others
by End User
· Hospitals
· Government Institutes
· Specialty Clinics
· Others
Everycountry's long-term economic health is dependent on the healthcare business.The healthcare industry has grown at an unprecedented rate in recent years as aresult of technological advancements, as well as the emergence of new markets.An ageing population, as well as rising rates of complex diseases and chronichealth issues, has increased R&D spending, opening the way for a plethoraof commercial opportunities.
Withthe help of national expert groups and the aforementioned initiative, India'sdengue vaccine market is undergoing a significant transformation. Importantstakeholders are becoming more aware of joint efforts like these, which issupporting major pharmaceutical companies in making substantial progress invaccine research. This is expected to boost the global Dengue Vaccines Market growthprospects in the approaching years.
Asidefrom immunizations, the government is looking into high-quality, long-term, andnaturally controlled remedies. The production of Wolbachia bacteria-ladenmosquitos, which, when mixed with wild mosquitos, have a lower likelihood oftransmitting the dengue virus and hence prevent its spread, is one example ofthis.