
These are extraordinary times. Asthe COVID-19 pandemic continues across the world, our thoughts are with thosewho have been impacted by the virus and we wish them a full and speedyrecovery.
We wanted to reach out and updateyou on few things that you can during this time. As people and businesses arecoping with the situation, our first priority is the safety and well-being ofthe communities around the world.
Companies ensuring their operationsdone remotely & continue to serve the customers. Most companies as theiremployees across the world have been asked to work from home to ensure socialdistancing to help prevent the spread of the virus.
While people all remote, weshould fully prepared with Business Continuity processes to ensure that weprovide the same level of service and accessibility to Optiin software. Duringthis time, our support teams are available and can be reached through onlineemail, website, and chat.
Our development team hasactivated their Business Continuity Plan to abide by Service Level Agreementsthat meet the ongoing customer needs. As the situation changes, you have ourpledge that you will have our continued support.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic wasdeclared by many major countries, we have been observing the situation acrossthe globe. Our software is managing operations remotely to guarantee theservice up time 99.999%. Plus we also monitoring our team members' safety &health as well as to provide continuity and the best quality of our service.
Optiin will not participate inany national or international conferences in the coming months. We have alsotaken the necessary steps to prevent misinformation and fake news from beingspread with the use of our services.
Here are 5 Things you can doremotely and why it IS a good time for it….
1. E-Learning….A remoteeconomy….the E-Learning industry is poised to EXPLODE! It is a rich place tofor you to plant the seeds of the work you are doing online, whether with yourown products or promoting products as an affiliate marketer….this is a GOODtime.
2. Home Quarantine: Invest yourtime online learning what you can do. Use this link for inspiration,opportunity, and motivation:
3. Eliminate Fear andUncertainty…for yourself, your own family and for others…..learn to create astream of income that is generated from your home business work. No shut downs.No layoffs. Consistent pay every Thursday. Here is the link again.
4. Economic Recession: The BESTTime To Start a Business…the economic and financial impact of this pandemic mayhit us the hardest. There is tremendous opportunity now. While most of theworld is retreating, now is the time to set your foundation for substantialeconomic growth in the months to come. It takes a little courage, but we makeit easy. So easy. Here is the link again.
5. Fewer Competitors:Opportunities For New Leaders To Emerge…. Many businesses struggle and fallshort during times like these. Working with the company I work with, you remainnimble, able to use the situation to your advantage as your business actuallygrows. You will succeed QUICKLY. We provide you with everything you need tosucceed, plus the training and support to make it happen fast.
Before Get panic Think and AskFew questions.
Question #1: Do I have a problem?Investigate to see if anything is broken. Don't mess with things that aren'tbroken.
Question #2: What key number canI focus on that would fix my problem?
Revenue is the ultimate numberyou want to get up, but you can't directly affect it.
So, instead of obsessing overrevenue, identify the number you can directly affect.
In our business, the number issales qualified leads.
What is it for your business?
Consultant: New proposals sent?
Course creator: New emailsubscribers?
Saas: New trial signups?
What can YOU 100% control todaythat would lead to more revenue in the next few weeks?
I know that in order to have ourbest month we need 60 SQLs. Being clear on that gives me a tangible target thatI can then plan and strategize around. It crushes the fear and anxiety andfocuses me on something I can actually change.
Question #3: What 3-5 thingscould I do that would give me a 90% or greater chance to hit my key number?
This is the fun part. By now youknow you have a problem and you've identified the number you directly controlthat will fix your problem.
After all, look at all the majorbusinesses that have been built and survived during hard times:
Walt Disney Company (market crashof 1929) Hewlett Packard (Great Depression, 1935)
Fedex (oil crisis of 1973)
Costco (recession in the late1970’s
Microsoft (recession in1973-1975)
LinkedIn (2002, post-dot-combubble)
Your coaching business will be nodifferent if you play your cards right. So ypu can build it using Optiin andoffer it remotely to people you want to help.
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