Core Exercises: Why you should Strengthen Your Core Muscles
Core Exercises: Why you should Strengthen Your Core Muscles
As a trainer at Body Solutions I am in a pocket area filled with a physically fit, active and well-informed population. Most of my clients are from the Voorhees, Marlton and Cherry Hill region of New Jersey. My clients train with me and on their off days, most of them go to commercial gyms to exercise on their own.

Core Exercises: Why you should Strengthen Your Core Muscles

A sit-up is even more dangerous because the forward flexion is beingcompleted to the top of the movement at the knees. This increases thecompression forces on the spine tremendously massage therpay voorhees. In fact, one study measured thecompression forces on the spine during sit-ups at over 700 lbs. That is likeputting 700 lbs. directly on top of your head! This measurement is for only onesit-up. I know people who have been doing as many as 50 sit-ups at a clip everyday for years. Read More