
Commitment Versus Interest – Decide What You Want In Life
Interest is a leisurely stroll down the lane in that activity, whereas commitment is entire attention, dedication, and focus, with a solid determination to accomplish that action.
You will do it at any cost if you are committed. You may or may not go ahead and do it based on your interest.
Determination and a sense of urgency drive commitment. A simple walk down the lane to work on anything of interest could pique your interest.
Interest is a leisurely stroll down the lane in that activity, whereas commitment is entire attention, dedication, and focus with a solid determination to accomplish that action.
Commitment implies that you will accomplish it regardless of the cost. Interest indicates that you have a want to do something, but you may or may not go on and do it.
Commitment is motivated by a desire to take action. A simple stroll down the lane to work on it could pique your interest.
Assume someone is interested in learning music and is serious about becoming a musician. While the former would seek out opportunities to study it, the latter would do all and everything in their power to master it.
So, commitment is the attitude of 'never say die,' whereas interest is the attitude of 'ummm... I can do it.'
So, what's the big deal about being committed?
Life is a purpose, one that we all want to complete. A mission in which every conceivable incident in the process must be taken into account. There are some things that are noteworthy and others that are not. You will go to any length to achieve the ones that are important to you. Your dedication is what makes your life valuable.
You may or may not pursue it if it piques your curiosity. It makes no difference whether you succeed or fail in your life. Your life will go on without it as well.
Life presents you a variety of difficulties and chances, some of which you enjoy, some of which you dislike, and some of which you are quite enthusiastic about. The ones that make you feel particularly passionate are the ones that will get your commitments up and going.
So, go ahead and pursue that one or two dreams that you are passionate about, and give it your all to make your life meaningful and purposeful. That's the power of dedication!!!
Written by: Team Rahul Kapoor