Child and Spousal Maintenance Lawyer Benoni
Child and Spousal Maintenance Lawyer Benoni
The duty of maintenance, i.e. providing someone, (Minor Children), with housing, clothing, food, medical care and education, or other necessary fundamentals of life is an obligation which is a legal duty – also known as ‘the duty to maintain’.

Child and Spousal Maintenance Lawyer Benoni

Child and Spousal Maintenance Lawyer Benoni

A spouse who does not make a payment in accordance with a Court or Maintenance Order is guilty of an offence. It means that they are liable on conviction to a fine or imprisonment, or to imprisonment without a fine. This is dependent upon their ability to prove that their failure to pay the maintenance was through lack of funds; You can lay a criminal charge against your spouse if he fails to adhere to the terms of the Decree of Divorce or any Order made by a Maintenance Court; Although your spouse could then be arrested this does not automatically mean that you will receive payment of the defaulted maintenance; However, if your spouse is arrested and immediately pays all the arrear, it is quite probable that the State will drop the charges. Instruct Your Attorney All of the foregoing is best left to the Professionals because if you make a slip it delays and confuses the whole process and you might have to begin again; so rather instruct your Attorney or find a firm of Specialist Divorce and Family Law Attorneys such as ourselves to handle these delicate matters on your behalf.

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