
(19 January, 2021): Meditation has the ultimate healing power. While there's a variety of meditation techniques available, Chakra Meditation is considered to be most effective. This is one of the oldest Ayurvedic yoga therapy that promotes natural health by sustaining an energetic balance among the Chakras. Chakras are seven invisible points that are assumed to be present in the human body. Each point is attributed to a particular energy. The proper balance of energies between these points boosts spiritual healthiness. It a natural therapy that has been practiced by sages in many Asian cultures including Vedic and Chinese.
Chakra Chi is a guidance app that will help the practitioners to perform Chakra meditation in a proper way. This app is exclusively designed for Apple gadgets and available at Appstore. This app includes Colour and Solfeggio techniques to boost the concentration level of the meditator. In ancient culture, it is believed that the world is made of frequencies. Each sound and color has a particular rhythm and frequency. Each chakra of the human body corresponds to certain frequencies. This app has a whole set of effective sounds and colors that will help the practitioner in increasing the intensity of meditation that avail effectiveness quickly.
With Chakra Meditation, the practitioner will attain self-reflection with subtle energy. This Chaka Chi app captures the relevant sound and colors of each Chakra and helps the practitioner to gain therapeutic integrity of each point. These seven points will start pulsing on the rhythm of these particular sounds. These sounds are based on the frequencies of the Bija mantra for each Chakra. The app plays these sounds in the loop to initiate the automatic distribution of energy from root to crown. Practice this -Chakra meditation every day for at least 7-10 minutes for effective results. Download the app by visiting this link-
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