
Know the hair plantation process and Get the Best Hair Transplant Treatment
Stop living with hair fall. Regain hairline andthe lost hair with our latest non surgical procedures.
Medical therapy has advanced to greater heightsto solve all your hair related problems.
List hair, increases volume, baldness at allstages can be treated effectively with non invasive technique.
PRP and FUE are the best and latest technologyto halt hair loss.
FUE Procedure
During an FUE procedure the trained Surgeonunder his medical team does the Treatment. Follicular units are extractedprimarily from the back and side of head where dense hair is noticed .
At surgery, Dr. Rajkirit and Dermatologistremoves hairs one by one carefully and stores it for covering thebaldness.
Grafts extracted by FUEprocess are much more sensitive than FUT, as the extraction technique leaves veryless protective tissue around the hair follicles. Having performed morethan 5,000 hair transplants, Dr. Rajkirit knows how to handle the graftsvery well so that they can prooperly grow in the donor sites.
Hair transplantation begins by hairimplants precisely pinpointing where the new hairs need be transplanted andthe art of creating the dense hair and shape that you are wishing to have. Thisis an art in the hands Surgeon to create hair line and hair density.
Eyebrows can also be restored by thustechniques.
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Tighten and brighten your skin with our latestupdated techniques to solve all the skin problems.
Today technology has reached heights to solveall the skin ailments. Dermatologists and plastic surgeons can tighten ,sagging skin on the face and body. These are the newest treatments thatactually works for neck and jowls.
Topical products promises to tighten the skinbut these are temporary.
Radiofrequency (RF) energy is the newesttechnology to opt for best results. RF energy when enters the skin heats thecollagen under the skin’s surface and triggers more collagen production.Collagen is one of the basic building blocks of healthy, youthful skin andtightens the loose skin that dwindles with advancing age.
We tighten skin from the deep inside to theoutside for Optimal results.One wand treats on top layer of the skin triggeringthe collagen to contract and tighten, and the other treats underneath theskin where it liquefies the fat.” This process is known as radio-frequencylipolysis. More than one treatment is required for the skin to get bestresults. lax. Chin fliposuction can also be done because the fat is muchmore easier to remove since it is emulsified by the RF energy.
Ultrasound skin tightening
Ultrasound energy called Ultherapy employssound waves to boost the production of collagen which is stored under neath theskin’s surface, firming skin. “Ultherapy can penetrate deep into the layers ofthe skin at different depths based on how we focus the energy.Here are somemore non-surgical tricks to mask and reverse the signs of aging on the face.