
Cannabis testing services are used in several places, such as Germany and Mexico. One of the most important factors in the cannabis testing services is the concentration of active ingredients, or THC and CBD. In the cannabis supply chain, higher concentrations of these compounds can mean higher prices for the products. Furthermore, this information is vital for medical marijuana patients, as high concentrations can result in unpleasant side effects. Moreover, the potency of the product is important for recreational users who want to control the intensity of the effects. Therefore, cannabis testing labs test samples at different stages of production - from the whole plant to the manufactured product to the final packaged form.
The quality of cannabis products can be compromised by residual solvents, such as butane, xylene, and ethanol, which are not allowed in cannabis. Although these solvents are allowed in small amounts, they must be removed before the product is sold. It is also possible that the products may contain mycotoxins, which can be toxic for individuals with weak immune systems. It is vital to use a reputable lab during cannabis testing services. In region such a Germany, the increasing consumption of cannabis and the legalization of medical cannabis has increased the usage of cannabis testing services. For instance, according to Germany Trade and Invest, there are over 500 pharmaceutical companies in Germany.
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