
Are you looking to raise money for your school? This is an easy guide to fundraising with candles.
So, why candles?
When it comes to fundraising for school, candle fundraisers are one of the more popular options. As a fundraiser for the school, candle fundraisers are both cost effective and turnkey. — Source
What does that mean?
1- No hidden costs.
2- Start for free.
3- Only pay for what is sold.
Fundraising Zone is here to help you with your next Candle sale – even if you don’t know a lot about business.
Think about that for a moment.
You can start a school fundraiser today with a proven business plan that doesn’t require any experience, special equipment, or prior knowledge. Just be yourself and sell candles from home!
We offer free step-by-step instructions on how to start a fundraiser at your school. You don’t need any entrepreneurial experience to get started.
Whether you’re a high school or an elementary school, we’ll help you start your first fundraiser in just three easy steps.
1- Choose a candle fundraising company.
You want a candle company that has a good reputation. This means they sell a good product and stand behind the candles they sell. For instance, here at Fundraising Zone we only represent the Heritage candle fundraiser.
Lets talk retail pricing for a second. Some fundraising candles sell for $24 or more. Now think about the single parents struggling to make ends meat. For them $24 is a lot of money.
This is why we like the Heritage candle fundraising program because you get a good quality candle for only $10.
When you talk to your fundraising expert they will send your candle catalogs to you in the mail.
2- Make a list of your supporters and volunteers.
The idea here is to get as many people on board as possible right from the start. Have everyone make a list of all of their friends, family, neighbors and coworkers. These are the people you will show your candle brochure to. Simply collect payment up front on every candle purchased.
It is important to then get your message out to the world. Use the phone, texting, email and social media sites like facebook.
Important tip: Tell people the reason why your school is selling candles. people are more apt to support you if they know why you need the money.
3- Order your candles
Tally up your candle orders and order them from the fundraiser company of your choice. Pay for your order from the funds you collected. Your school gets to keep 40% of the proceeds as their profit.
Make sure to get photos, videos and happy testimonials from your supporters. You can post these on your schools website, facebook page or blog. You can use these next year when you have another candle sale.
Yes— That is another benefit of the candle fundraiser. They are consumables. This means after 50 hours of enjoying that beautiful candle scent your customers will want to purchase another one next year!
There you have it three simple steps to effectively running your own candle fundraiser at school.
The number one fundraiser website for students in America, Fundraising Zone will help you set up all you need to run your very own student fundraiser – whether you’re an entrepreneur at heart or just love helping community charities.
Media contact
Fundraising Zone
337 Merrick Rd five, Lynbrook, NY 11563
(800) 645-6550