
The description of art can be somewhat allusive. To this day it is very complicated to pinpoint what exactly is art. On some objective level, a certain general understanding has been achieved thus the result in art schools and other similar institutions. Not to mentions more generally acknowledged places such as museums. A good question in regards to this is whether wood flowers can be regarded as art. Sola wood is surely a very interesting subject and has a lot to offer to the thirsty public of creativity lovers.
The Place of Wood Flowers in Arts
Before searching for the place of wood flowers in arts, one must grasp a few other general concepts. In short, there is an incredibly diverse range of human activities in regard to creating visual or auditory (or both) stimuli. If whatever is created can express emotions, good or bad, it can be regarded as art to some degree of subjectivity. This is also available for wooden flowers. Not every creation which evokes the very least amount of emotion can be heralded and rightly so. The general perception has changed over time and it is still constantly changing. It is only natural. Times are constantly evolving and humans along with them. The oldest creations that are known to mankind are primal forms of visual arts. For example, sculptures and cave paintings. A well-known piece is Venus of Willendorf. It is estimated to have been created somewhere between 24,000 – 22,000 BP.
In a historic perspective pieces similar to wood flowers have always existed even since before written history. Even so, some experts believe that the typical idea of artistic creation is extremely influenced by western society. Even before this, the definitions was deeply related to the Latin meaning which roughly translated to “skill” or “craft”. The master crafter was called an “artisan”. When creative work fields became more and more publicly established, the role of the artisan has a very well respected one. Famous artists would be able to make great fortunes, but truth be told, only very few managed this feat. And on an even more grim side of the story, some of the very best did not get the recognition they deserved only until after death. Over time even philosophers tried to come to an agreement as to how can something become or is art. Just to name a few that tried to touch the subject:
• Plato
• Aristotle
• Socrates
• Kant
Creations often require a “muse” but within all eras of societies nothing could beat nature itself. Nature was, is and will be the biggest inspiration to human beings. It can take as many forms as one could think of. It ranges from exact realistic creations all the way to surreal or fully invented creations. Seeking to replicate objects exactly as they appear in real life tends to be one of the oldest and most acknowledged types of portraying nature. Creating wood flowers easily integrates into this beloved category. Not to mention the fact that, flowers and plants specifically, hold a very high position on the hierarchy of human symbolism. It is simple to understand. Flowers can express emotions just as art can. Some argue that they are intrinsically connected to each other and human psychology.
The Beauty of Sola Wood Creations
By themselves, sola wood creations have become a niche department of arts. Creating wood flowers has not only became an activity beloved by the general public but a way to combat environmental damage. In a poetic way, creativity has found a way of benefiting the planet and humankind as well. The process of creating such decoration has now been standardized. Personal changes can also be applied but the paved road always has efficient end results.
The very process of molding sola wood has the same basic purposes as with any other art form. Further will be specified the most known functions:
• The human need for harmony and balance – this one is deeply enchanted within most human beings. Everybody needs a sense of calm and balance in many areas of his life. Family, work, recreation and everything else that comes with experiences. Creative products can offer this to some extent, thus the love and appreciation for art.
• The love for mystery – lots of paintings, songs and other forms of expression evoke feelings of mystery and rightly so. Some of the are actually designed whit this purpose in mind. Humans find thrill in mystery. It can range from deep curiosity and excitement all the way to fear. It is worth saying that even fear itself can be found as a pleasant experience to some extent.
• The need to imagine – art provides a catalyst towards unleashing imagination. People can add new characteristics to objects found in real life or create something entirely new from scratch. There are heated debates regarding whether a human can actually create something entirely new from the very depth of his mind or everything is a new combination of things that already exist. Sola wood can be a great instrument to see where your imagination can push you.
• The spiritual connection – whether there is something bigger than humans or whether there is or isn’t life after death are topics that are very hard to settle. However the case might be, humans are still very spiritual in thoughts and feelings the very least. Amazing art representation can make one feel more connected to its spiritual origins or maybe even the path one has to follow. Taking creations of sola wood into more ritualistic situations is something common. Flowers are often represented as symbols in meaningful religious rituals.
Considering all of the above, it is easy to understand why molding sola wood or other arts such as painting, making music or taking photographs have been taking such an immense place into human history. Creativity has pushed humanity forward and it will continue to do so for as long as we allow it to. Ars gratia artis.