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A recombinant form of hGH called genotropin (INN) is used as a prescription drug to treat children’s growth disorders and adult growth hormone deficiency. In the United States, it is only available legally from pharmacies by prescription from a licensed health care provider. In recent years in the United States, some health care providers are prescribing growth hormone in the elderly to increase vitality. Furthermore, While legal, we have not tested the efficacy and safety of this use for HGH in a clinical trial. Many of the functions of HGH remain unknown Genotropin pen.
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In its role as an anabolic agent, HGH has been used by competitors in sports since at least 1982, and has been banned by the IOC and NCAA. Traditional urinalysis does not detect doping with HGH, so we did not enforce the ban until the early 2000s, when blood tests that could distinguish between natural and artificial HGH were being developed. Blood tests conducted by WADA at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece targeted primarily HGH. Use of the drug for performance enhancement is not currently approved by the FDA.
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Genotropin is human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles
Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature because of Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causes: somatropin.
- Pain, itching, or skin changes where the medicine was injected;
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