
Sildenafil, the active ingredient of Cenforce 100, is an erectile dysfunction treatment that can be taken by both men and women. It contains the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drug paroxetine, which has been proven effective in treating patients suffering from erectile dysfunction. However, it is also known to cause side effects such as anxiety, panic attacks, nausea, and dizziness.
There are also other minor but nonetheless serious Cenforce problems. Like for instance, one of its most common side effects is diarrhea, caused due to the high amount of magnesium in it. This can lead to cramping and bleeding. Other problems like vomiting, blurred vision, and increased heart rate can also be experienced.
There is also a relatively high-fat content in Cenforce 100mg. This is used as a weight loss aid and to control blood pressure in men. The level of cholesterol in it is low, as well, so there are no known problems related to this product in women. However, this is mainly because most of the ingredients used in Cenforce are also found in other medications being sold over the counter for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.
Women who wish to use this enhancement pill should first consult with their doctors before trying it. They need to make sure that they do not have any existing conditions that would prevent them from taking this product. In addition, they should ask their doctors to give the necessary instructions on how to use this enhancer properly. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Cenforce products, nor should people who suffer from known allergies to the ingredients. Cenforce is also not recommended for use by people who smoke or drink heavily.
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