
Medical devices called stents are used to treat clogged vascular pathways. Percutaneous Trans luminal coronary angioplasty is the name of the method used to decrease blockages (PTCA). Heart stents or coronary stents are used to treat arterial stenosis. These stents are also used to stop the arteries from re-narrowing. There are three different kinds of Coronary Stents bare metal, drug-eluting, and bio absorbable. Despite the fact that bare metal stents significantly enhance patients' angiographic and clinical outcomes, the rate of restenosis is The use of bare metal stents and the creation of the next generation of drug-eluting stents are both significantly constrained by this. In order to maintain the arteries open while treating coronary heart disease, a coronary stent is a tube-shaped device inserted into the coronary arteries that feed blood to the heart. In a procedure known as percutaneous coronary intervention, it is utilized Over of PCI procedures now involve the use of coronary stents. Stents have been demonstrated to improve survival and decrease adverse outcomes in an acute myocardial infarction, and they also lessen angina chest discomfort
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