
Biogas is a fuel that produces heat and energy from waste. An efficient replacement for fossil fuel is biogas. It can be utilised in a variety of settings, including autos and utility power plants. By generating power and heat, biogas can also assist in resolving the organic waste landfill problem. Landfilling waste can result in contamination of the air, land, and water. Since a few years ago, there has been an increase in public awareness of the pollution that coal and fossil fuels create.
Methane, carbon dioxide (CO2), and trace amounts of hydrogen sulphide make up the majority of Biogas (H2S). It is made from things including municipal garbage, food waste, manure, and agricultural waste. Both sewage treatment facilities and landfills produce biogas. In combined heat and power plants, biogas is most frequently converted into heat and electricity for the purpose of generating energy.
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