
Eyewearhas become synonymous with style and luxury. Many new eyewear brands havestarted offering different types of frames that are available in multi-coloroptions also. The market of eyewear brands was started for offering protectionagainst sun rays.
Now,it has become a style statement for the millennial population. Eyewear brandshave been regularly experimenting with shades of frames as well as lenses. Thisexperiment has helped them in serving people from across the globe who havedifferent taste and like different (unique) products.
Peoplewith zero power are also looking out for cool looking eyewear. To serve thissegment of customers, the eyewear brands are delivering a completely new lineof frames. Nowadays, lighter frames are in demand that do not harm the wearers’nose and ears.
Eyewearbrands are becoming popular these days because people have started working onlooking cool and better. The eyewear has become an accessory and due to thissingle reason, the eyewear brands have experienced a spike in their business.
Asthe eyewear is pocket-friendly, people from all walks of life are able toafford them. Currently, the eyewear brands have started working on makingeyewear frames using much lighter materials. Not only this, the rich peoplehave started demanding gold plated or platinum plated eyewear frames from theleading eyewear brands.
Thegrowing use of screens and aging population are the major reasons fueling thegrowth of eyewear brands’ market. Verified Market Research experts published Global EyewearBrands’ Market Report. They found that the market cap of this segment was USD 129.11 billion in 2018. They projected its valueto reach USD 240.83 billion by 2026. The eyewear market isgrowing at a CAGR of 8.1% from 2019 to 2026.
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Fromcontact lenses to goggles, eyewear companies have been designing the best toolsfor improving the vision of people who suffer from different types of issues.It is a century old industry but has managed to generate revenue for theestablished companies despite the market turbulence. It is one of the wellknown industries that has a deep impact on lives of all people.
Best eyewear brands
Essilor Group
Essilor Group is one of the founding members of theeyewear brands’ market. This French organization has been delivering highquality products since 1849. It designs, manufactures and sells lenses allaround the world. It is on a mission of building a sustainable future byimproving the vision of all individuals. With an experience of 170 years,Essilor has been working on improving the eyesight of people using new andimproved methods on a daily basis.
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care is one of the oldestand largest eyewear brands that has been serving customers using its biggestnetwork of sales. It is known for its R&D division that has made it theleader of this industry. Its industry-leading innovative approach has helpedmillions of people. It has partnered with many international bodies to bringback the eyesight of many people across the globe.
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Luxottica Group
Luxottica Group was founded in 1961. This Italianorganization has been diffusing luxury with everyday items. It has introducedthe most unique line of eyewear in the eyewear brands’ market. This eyewearconglomerate has become the face of the eyewear industry. It is working onmaking a positive impact on the environment by taking its first steps towardssustainable vision.
Novartis is a Swiss multinational company. This pharmaceuticalcompany has branched into multiple segments, one of which is the eyewearindustry, It is famous for its high rated products and strict quality controlprocedures. It has reimagined the way medical services can be delivered topatients across the globe. iT also acts as the bridge between patients and themedical industry.
Safilo Group
Safilo Group delivers products in affordable rangeas well as luxury products. It is one of the most advanced brands that has beenserving its customers since 1878. This Italian company is known for introducingmany industry-firsts and due to this reason it has set numerous milestones. Allof its brands that operate under the umbrella brand – Safilo, have becomesuccessful and have started a new segment across the globe.
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Mr.Edwyne Fernandes
VerifiedMarket Research
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