
In the last decade, solar energy has been one of the most dependable, affordable, and financially viable energy sources. The environmental benefits you're well aware of, but there are other financial rewards of replacing traditional coal-powered electricity with solar electricity. Solar power is an investment where you buy rooftop solar systems for home, business, or industrial property and install it. Solar rooftop systems fall into the category of the most economical, accessible, and eco-friendly power sources available to humankind. People worldwide are increasingly apprehending this and making it their primary energy source because all it needs is an initial investment, after which it's just a lifetime of savings with reduced energy bills and improved property value.
What are the different kinds of rooftop solar in India?
When you decide to go solar, you come across three different models of solar panel systems. These are:
On-Grid Systems
These solar panel systems directly connect to the primary energy source. They operate by drawing minimum power from the grid, prioritising the energy generated from the solar system. Power is used from the primary grid only if the solar system-generated power is less than the required amount.
Off-grid systems
These systems are entirely independent of the grid. Unlike the grid-connected solar systems, they do not have the primary grid backup and require an additional battery backup system. The surplus power generated by the solar rooftops is stored for later use. Off-grid solar systems are best suited for regions with no power grip infrastructure.
Hybrid systems
These systems are a combination of an off-grid and an on-grid system. They are connected to the grid while having a battery backup to store the surplus power. After fully charging the battery, the unused surplus power generated is fed back to the grid in these solar panel systems. The advantage of providing power to the grid is that the user gets compensated via net metering according to the solar policy in their respective states.
What are the advantages of an on-grid rooftop solar system?
Out of all these systems, on-grid systems turn out to be the most advantageous for consumers. And the most notable perk of these systems is that they increase financial benefits by increasing the savings on electricity bills. Grid-connected solar systems enable the users to install net-metering to export surplus power to the grid and earn compensation. This enhances their overall financial benefits.
The other benefits of the on-grid solar system are:
Since on-grid solar systems do not require any battery installations, they are less expensive than off-grid and hybrid solar systems.
By compensating for the additional power generated, on-grid solar panel systems help users recover their initial investment faster than any other solar panel system.
The maintenance cost is low in on-grid systems compared to hybrid and off-grid solar systems, requiring time to time replacement of batteries.
With these advantages, an on-grid system becomes a suitable option for customers with stable grid connections and minimal power cuts. Moreover, users ranging from residential homes to educational institutions and industrial units can install on-grid systems as these systems can synchronise with diesel generators to provide uninterrupted power.
Though on-grid solar systems are undoubtedly beneficial, the advantage you acquire might differ depending on your location and power needs. Consequently, it is of utmost significance that you consult your solar installer to determine what suits you best according to your unique needs.