
Belyana the Forgotten River Giants - ItsHistoria
Belyana the Forgotten River Giants are colossal giants that live in the Forgotten River, a large underground river system beneath the plains of Karaka. They were formed when two separate groups of ancient beings merged into one giant being, the result of which is a gigantic amalgamation of the traits and abilities of both groups. Certain Forgotten River Giants have been known to have a more aquatic or amphibious nature, while others display traits from both groups. These giants can be found throughout the river system, but are especially common in the central regions, where they are less likely to encounter other giants. They are somewhat territorial and may attack any smaller creatures they see moving through their territory without permission.
Although not as large or dangerous as a true giant, these giant beasts can be just as fearsome when encountered in numbers. They will often attempt to ambush prey with ambush tactics and then use their immense strength to subdue and restrain their victim before devouring them whole. In addition, some Forgotten River Giants have been known to possess venomous fangs. Visit our website to know more information.