
Investment Comparations Between White Label SEO and a New Agency!
If you want to open an SEO agency, then there are 2 main methods that you can use. The first one is standard. That is to create your own agency and provide the SEO services yourself. The second alternative is to collaborate with another SEO agency and reseller the services of that agency. Using the white label SEO method is a much better alternative nowadays. Why? Well, there are several advantages that this method provides. To make the differences more visible, a comparison between a new SEO agency and becoming a white label SEO reseller is needed. And the first part that must be compared is the investment needed for both alternatives.
• Time comparison. Time is the most important resource in the business world. And the advantage of the white label method is clear to see here. If you want to open a new agency and provide the SEO services yourself, then you will need to invest a lot of time. The most time-consuming task will be to find SEO experts that are skilled and willing to work in a company. On the other hand, you can save a lot of time if you use the white label SEO method. Why? Because you will only need a day or 2 to find a reliable agency and collaborate with it. The rest of the time can be used to grow your own business and to look for clients.
• Initial investment comparison. The second type of investment that you can compare is the initial amount of money that you will need. To open a new agency, you will need the space, desks, computers, and money to search for SEO experts. The total amount will be enormous compared with the amount that you need to use the white label method. Where you have almost no investments to make, only the creation of the site and if you want, a small space from where you can work.
• Monthly investments and costs. The monthly investments and costs can also have a big difference. Although in this category the things will be more equilibrated compared with the other 2. As a new SEO agency, you will need to pay the salaries of your SEO experts. And provide them with all the SEO tools that they need. On the other hand, if you collaborate with an SEO agency, you will only need to pay for the services provided by the agency to your clients. In the beginning, it is more advantageous for a white label SEO reseller. Why? Because you will only spend money after you get paid by your clients. As for the long term, it depends on the partner that you found.
The Growth Potential of a White Label SEO Company is Much Higher!
The second part that must be compared is the growth potential of both methods. After a little thought, it will become obvious that the growth potential of a white label SEO reseller is much higher than that of a news agency. More exactly, you will be able to scale your agency at a much faster speed with the white label SEO method. How so? Well, there are 2 reasons for which this is possible. So, before you decide which method you will use to open the agency, you need to consider the advantages mentioned below.
• You can focus on finding more clients. Because most of the work will be done by your partner, your company will have more time to focus on finding clients. So, it will be much easier for you to find clients through this method compared with the standard alternative. Of course, after a period you may want to outsource the task of finding clients as well. And you could focus solely on the internal matters of your company. On the other hand, it is much harder to do the same if you open your own agency and provide the SEO services yourself.
• No limit of maximum clients. The second advantage that the white label SEO method has is the lack of limit for the number of clients that you can serve. If you provide the SEO services yourself, then you will need to scale your company linearly. You will always need to hire new employees after the number of clients reaches a certain point. On the other hand, using the white label method, you can just find a second partner, and the maximum number of clients that your agency can have is doubled.
Are the Profits of a White Label SEO Reseller Better?
And lastly, a comparison between the profits that a new SEO agency will have and the one that a white label SEO reseller will have. After you see the advantages that the white label method has in this part of the comparison, you will be convinced that this is the perfect opportunity for you. There are 3 things that you need to know about the profit comparison.
• No investment means immediate profit. The first advantage of a white label SEO reseller is the fact that you do not need investments. So, your company will be profitable from the very beginning. On the other hand, if you use the standard method, then you will need to struggle a lot to recoup the invested capital.
• No fixed costs. As mentioned above, the standard alternative has a lot of fixed costs. And this means that you will need to spend money even if you do not have clients. So, the risk of failure is much higher, while the profits in the beginnings of the company will be negligible. But as a reseller, you will not need to have such worries. All your costs depend on the number of clients that you have. But that also means that your company will always make a profit.
• Exponential growth in the long term. The growth potential mentioned in the second part of the comparison proves that the growth potential of a reseller agency is much higher. And that also means that the profit that you will be able to make grows exponentially. So, even if the costs will be much higher compare with a normal SEO agency, the profits will be incomparable.