Avoid Being Targeted | ExecSecure
Avoid Being Targeted | ExecSecure
If traveling to an area of increased risk avoid wearing any jewelry, watches, or expensive looking items that will draw attention to you. Try to blend in as much as possible, but also do not have a ‘spotlight’ placed on you because of the clothing, accessories or jewelry that you wear. Remember – the items do not necessarily have to be expensive, merely look expensive, or make you stand out from the crowd.

Avoid Being Targeted | ExecSecure

If traveling to an area ofincreased risk avoid wearing any jewelry, watches, or expensive looking itemsthat will draw attention to you ExecutiveProtection Santiago. Try to blend in as much as possible, but alsodo not have a ‘spotlight’ placed on you because of the clothing, accessories orjewelry that you wear. Remember – the items do not necessarily have to beexpensive, merely look expensive, or make you stand out from the crowd. 

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