
DataCaptive is the only leading database of AutoCAD-related contacts, containing more than 1.2 million records from 12 different countries. You can use this email list for a variety of purposes including simplifying customer profiling and improving lead generation techniques to speed up pipeline management and better qualified leads at the end of your funnel. The DataCaptive team is ready to help you meet your needs through innovative data mining processes that provide truly one-of-a-kind data sets specific to architects, contractors, engineers as well as CAD experts who work with geospatial location programs such as Google Earth.
AutoCAD Clients Contact List is the most comprehensive database on Architects/Engineers/Contractors with links those associated with AutoCAD
You know they need it, but you'll have to find the data. That's where DataCaptive comes in. Data Captive provides an extensive database of structured product information for AutoCAD users by email submitter, industry sector, etc. Increase your chance at success with our savvy professionals.
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