
Atlanta Tax Attorney | IRS Tax Help | Cumberland Law Group, LLC
Atlanta Tax Attorneyfor the people. IRS wage garnishment, levy release, tax liens, and back IRS taxhelp. Defend your rights at 678-385-5953.
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About Us
Cumberland Law Firm, LLC is a Better Business Bureauauthorize law office, which despite everything endeavors to create and keep upsolid individual associations with every customer. Our tax attorneys in Atlantahave helped several people and organizations comprehend IRS and State chargeissues. Moreover, our entryways are open for criminal barrier and individualdamage matters also. We set aside the effort to tune in to discover what isimperative to you, regardless of whether that be sparing you time by managingthe IRS for your sake, settling your issue rapidly so it doesn't meddle withyour business, or limiting the sum you need to pay to the IRS. At our firm,just an accomplished duty lawyer will deal with your case. We contend dependenton giving well beyond portrayal to our customers, using serious charging rateswhich are regularly generously lower than our opposition. We are not an expensealleviation or duty goals organization.
Hazard Free ConsultationWe welcome you to reach us to becomefamiliar with how our firm can help you with your generally mind boggling andrequesting lawful difficulties here in the Atlanta zone.
What Do I Do If I Get Audited By The IRS For A Second Time?
What is an IRS Audit?
An Internal Revenue Service review is a survey or assessmentof an individual or association's records and budgetary reports. They do thisto guarantee that the entirety of the data has been accounted for accuratelyand completely. One thing that can not be focused on enough is that you oughtnot approach this procedure without legitimate portrayal. There are lawyersthat spend significant time in the IRS charge law in the Atlanta metro regionthat are able to deal with the entirety of your needs.
What makes the IRS direct a review?
Each report that you get as to your funds, for example, a W2structure or some other monetary or tax documents and archives, the IRS has aduplicate moreover. Along these lines, if there are any revealinginconsistencies, the IRS will ordinarily know about them right away.
It's essential to report everything while at the same timedocumenting your expenses, yet botches do occur.
IRS Tax Scams
Since we are in the full swing of assessment season,different IRS tricks are springing continuously. Individuals have lost a greatmany dollars to IRS tricks throughout the years and it's getting generallypredominant right now. All the IRS framework needed for everything was to paycharge effectively without pressure, yet cybercriminals are out there arrangingrefined yet fake stunt to deceive others. IRS tricks incorporate a guestprofessing to be from the IRS and requesting your cash and individual data. Itcould likewise be through email and even a very close trick. Once in a while, theseindividuals attempt to scare you with forceful messages, which get a great manypeople alarmed, making them surrender their cash, account subtleties, andgovernment managed savings number.
Year in, year out and at each duty season, the IRSguarantees to caution about fake letters and messages sent to citizensrequesting prompt installment. The IRS will never request that you hack outcash. Tricksters realize that the IRS likes to contact citizens through snailsends, so they attempt however much as could be expected to mimic them withmessages. Step by step instructions to Stay Safe In This Tax Season IRS conartists are not yielding in attempting all way to make citizens succumb totheir tricks.
Get in Touch
400 Galleria Pkwy #1500
Atlanta, Ga 30339
Phone : 678-385-5953
MON-FRI 9:00am – 7:00pm
SAT 9:00am – 12:00pm
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