
General Sales and Services Agent (GSSA) ATC Aviation Service is adopting a new online booking solution called CargoBooking, which automates processes and provides instant quotes.
ATC Aviation unveils automated cargo booking solution with instant quotes
General Sales and Services Agent (GSSA) ATC Aviation Service is adopting a new online booking solution called CargoBooking, which automates processes and provides instant quotes.
The online solution, powered by Avery Aviation Software, allows ATC customers to book Airway Bills (AWB) and benefit from an end-to-end track-and-trace facility.
CargoBooking converts inbound email quotation requests into instant quotes and its Quotation Management System delivers published rates, contract rates and allocations, and SPOT or promo rates.
“With the new e-booking tool, we are improving the digital interface to our customers, which is available 24/7,” said Ingo Zimmer, chief executive officer, ATC.