
The medical specialty of Animal Healthcare, also known as veterinary science, deals with the prevention, control, diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses affecting the health of domestic and wild animals as well as the avoidance of the human transmission of animal diseases. By keeping an eye on and maintaining the health of the animals used to produce food, veterinarians guarantee a safe supply of food for people. Animal doctors have been around since the beginning of time, and Animal Healthcare Market was already recognized as a field of study in Babylonia and Egypt in 2000 BCE.
The term "horse-doctors" originated in ancient Greece, and today the term "veterinarians" (Latin for "pertaining to the beast of burden") is used to refer to the field of medicine. Today, veterinarians work in private and corporate clinical settings, academic settings, the private sector, public and military service, government service, and private industry. Other Animal Healthcare medicine specialists, such as veterinary nurses and veterinary technicians, frequently assist them in their work.