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1. Be unique. Stories ought not have been recentlydistributed somewhere else. An exemption might be permitted in the event thatit was distributed without anyone else blog to a little crowd.
2. Make it individual. If you don't mind base your postwithout anyone else individual encounters. On the off chance that your postcontains just counsel I will probably decrease it.
3. Length doesn't make a difference. I'm not a word counter,so it doesn't make a difference to me whether it takes 500 or 5,000 words torecount to your story. be that as it may, it would be ideal if you attempt tokeep 500+ ????
4. Incorporate a bio. If you don't mind incorporate a shortbio with up to 2 connections that will show up at the base of the post.
5. Associate your email address to Gravatar. This guaranteesa headshot will appear in the creator bio segment.
If it's not too much trouble Note
1. Electronic distributing rights. By presenting your storyto me you concur Possibility Change will hold the computerized distributingrights to the post in the event that it is distributed.
2. The lead picture need to send by you Only and ImagesShould be Related on Content Only !
3. Your post might be altered. I ordinarily leave postsimmaculate, however now and again, I may alter things, for example, the title,punctuation, design, and so forth.
4. Word configuration is liked. There is no compelling reasonto send a HTML rendition.
5. If you don't mind permit up to 2-3 Days for a reaction. Imean to peruse and answer to each visitor post accommodation, however I maymiss your email since it went into my spam envelope or I erased itcoincidentally. Additionally, blogging is something I do in my extra time soonce in a while I get behind in evaluating entries. On the off chance that youdon't hear once more from me inside 2-3 Days, at that point please send asubsequent email.
1. A significant and smart statement toward the beginning ofa story is an incredible method to catch eye and can help with advancement viaweb-based networking media systems.
2. An inquiry for perusers toward the finish of your storyis an incredible method to energize remarks.
3. Being accessible the day I distribute your article torapidly react to remarks is empowered. As of now, I distribute 5 posts everyweek.
4. Advance and offer your story with your system!
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