
Do you want to have something tasty and delight forthe snacks? Get ready to try something new and different to activate your tastebuds. The chocolate cookies are famous among the people, especially among thekids. The chocolate cookies are one of the best versions of baked chocolates.
Either you have a party at your home, or you arelooking to give a special treat for your guest the chocolate chip cookies are the most delicious cookies which can beincluded in the menu. People from age group love to have chocolate cookieseither with milk, or they can try cookies after having with some spicy foods tochange the taste of your tongue.
Give a Treat with Chocolate Chip Cookies
The chocolate cookies are one of the most memorableparts of our childhood. These cookies made by mom or grandmother have addedlots of sweetness and made out childhood memorable. Kids and adults most lovethe chocolate cookies. It is one of the most loved recipes in the mom's kitchenas well as it is most demanded in the market. The chocolate chip cookies areeasy to make for the people who love to bake. The crispy and crunchy cookieswith the addition of chocolates give you the best taste for your taste buds.
These cookies are the perfect snacks which can beconsumed any day at any point in time. As it is easy, quick, dessert which canbe baked with a limited number of ingredients, it helps you to save a lot oftime and energy. They are baked warm and taken out from the oven to serve youwith hot chocolate. The quickly made chocolates can be made and stored forquite a long time to enjoy their taste.
These days the chocolate chips are easily availablein the supermarkets and bakery. The homemade chocolate cookies are best with theaddition of nuts, coconut, and delicious combinations. They taste best whenthey are prepared with a few simple ingredients such as flour, butter, sugar,and eggs. For kids who want to learn to make cookies, these cookies are thebest ways to get started and add an element of sweetness in the cookies.
Kids can add their desired shape to the cookies asthey are easy to make dessert. The kids can make the best cookies under thesupervision of the adults. The right mixing of the ingredients before makingcookies will help you to make the best and delicious cookies. The kids love toexperiment in the kitchen while making cookies with different taste andflavors. Baking simple cookies are the best option to spend a great time withthe family as well as it also offers a weekend gathering in the kitchen.
How to Make the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies?
Making delicious and yummy chocolate chip cookies arequite easy if you follow some simple steps. There are certain ingredients whichadd the taste elements for the people who love to have these chocolate cookiesin their snacks.
The ingredients are listedbelow:-
(1.) 1 ½ cup of all-purpose flour.
(2.) One teaspoon baking soda
(3.) ½ teaspoon salt
(4.) ½ cup unsalted butter
(5.) ½ cup firmly packed light brown sugar
(6.) Six tablespoons of granulated sugar
(7.) One large egg.
(8.) One teaspoon vanilla extract
(9.) Two ¼ cups of semisweet chocolatechips.
(1.) Heat the oven at 3500 F andspread two baking sheets with parchment paper or spray with non-stick spray.
(2.) Mix flour, baking soda and salt together.
(3.) Take a large bowl and use an electric mixer at medium speed, tomix the butter and sugars.
(4.) Add egg and Vanilla and mix it in thelow speed
(5.) Add flour as required and mix it untilincorporated. Do not overmix the mixture.
(6.) Add the chocolate chips and mix it withthe help of a wooden spoon
(7.) Chill the dough if it is warm
(8.) Take the help of a small and large ice-cream scoop or heapingtablespoon to drop the dough on the prepared baking sheets. It depends on thesize of the cookies you are making.
(9.) Bake the cookies one after another bake them until bottoms and edges are lightly browned, and thetops feel firm when lightly touched.
(10.) Smallcookies bake 8-10 minutes
(11.) The bigsized cookies take 10-13 minutes
(12.) Once youtake out the cookies from the oven, let them get cooled for 5 minutes on thebaking sheets and after some time transfer the cookies to wire racks to coolcompletely.
(13.) By followingthis method, you can make 18-30 cookies depending on the size.
Tomake the best cookies, there are certain tips to be followed.
Sometips are listed below:
(1.) ButterTips:- Toavoid flat cookies, make sure that the butter is kept on the roomtemperature(not melted or even softened). If the dough is warm try to use the coldor chilled dough. Place the dough in the refrigerator to chill before you startto make the cookies. Do not over mix the cookie butter once the flour is addedmake sure that the baking soda does not get expired.
(2.) ChocolateChip:- Ifyou love chocolates take 21/4 cups of chocolate chips as the recipe calls out. Use a lesser amount ofchocolate oraccording to your taste and choice.
Sofollow these tips to eat and enjoy the best chocolate chips cookies which can be served on everyoccasion as per the need. Give a delicious treat to your loved ones with thebest chocolate cookies.