
About 75 drug candidates based on synlet gene pairs are being evaluated for the treatment of various types of cancers; presently, there are over 20 screening platforms enabling therapy development efforts
Advances in screening technologies have enabled theidentification of interactive gene combinations, enabling the development oflead candidates that leverage the principle of synthetic lethality for cancertreatment
To order this 485+ page report, which features 195+ figuresand 200+ tables, please visit this link
The USD 8 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity withinthe synthetic lethality-based drugs and targets market has been analyzed acrossthe following segments:
§ Typeof molecule
§ SmallMolecule
§ Biologic
§ Targetdisease indication
§ BreastCancer
§ ColorectalCancer
§ FallopianTube Cancer
§ GastricCancer
§ Headand Neck Cancer
§ LungCancer
§ OvarianCancer
§ PeritonealCancer
§ Others
§ Type of synlet target
§ APE1/ Ref-1
§ Chk1
§ GLS1
§ Polθ
§ PP2A
§ Wee1
§ Routeof administration
§ Oral
§ Intravenous
§ Keygeographical regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ AsiaPacific
- Rest of the World
The, report features the following companies,which we identified to be key players in this domain:
§ AbbVie
§ AstraZeneca
§ AtlasMedx
§ BeiGene
§ Chordia Therapeutics
§ Clovis Oncology
§ GlaxoSmithKline
§ IDEAYA Biosciences
§ Mission Therapeutics
§ Pfizer
§ Repare Therapeutics
§ Sierra Oncology
§ SyntheXLabs
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction toDNA Damage and Repair Systems
4. Introduction to Synthetic Lethality
5. Market Overview
6. Company Profiles
7. Emerging Trends on Social Media
8. Publication Analysis
9. Abstract Analysis
10. Academic Grants Analysis
11. Funding and Investment Analysis
12. Target Benchmark Analysis
13. Role of Companion Diagnostics in Synthetic Lethality
14. Market Forecast
15. Concluding Remarks
16. Executive Insights
17. Appendix 1: Tabulated Data
18. Appendix 2: List of Companies and Organizations
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Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415