
What do you know about the pipe bending machine? Here is the basic information you may want to know. The machine is made of various components. It has a mandrel ball, clamp block, booster, wiper, and centralized controller, and it can control the bending angle. The pipe can be inserted in the bend zone with friction. It can also be cooled against the ambient air. The hydraulic bending machine has various functions. It is also economical and easy to use. Here is a short review of its advantages.
The pipe bending machine China is mainly used for electric power, public railway, and boiler laying and repairing. It has a wide range of functions and is easy to operate, install and demount. In addition to pipes, it also bends wires and other materials. Its flexible design makes it suitable for different industries, such as the automotive and air conditioning sectors. It can connect to the computer with the help of an RS232 port. It also has a large cooling system.
The pipe bending machine has many advantages. It has multiple functions and can be operated by a servo motor. The machine has two axes and is able to bend and feed a variety of products. It has a large capacity circulating cooling system and can be configured to bend and hemicycle pipes. With a flexible production process, it can also be used to bend automobile and airplane frames.
As one of the most reputable pipe bending machine manufacturers in China, METMAC company has successfully worked in the market of machine tools for metal sheet cutting and metalworking machines, HVAC air conditioners, ventilation duct machines, cold roll forming machines, steel structure machines. The company's mission: to make modern technologies of metal available worldwide.