
A Complete Beginner’s Guide to League of Legends
In this article, we will discuss the complete steps related tohow to start the game League of Legends if you are a beginner. League ofLegends is a game by the developer Riot Games and is a Multiplayer OnlineBattle Arena (MOBA). League of Legends is a strategy team game consisting ofdifferent game modes. There are a wide number of tactics that a player shouldlearn using. The loot system and in-client shop also require similar tactics.So, you should achieve proper knowledge about these steps that are required forplaying the game. This article presents you the required information in theform of a tutorial so that you can start your journey in the League of Legends.This article will let you clear up the concept of how you can play the game inthe main game mode.
Leagues ofLegends: Introduction to the Steps
Summoner’s Rift or simply 5v5 is the main game mode in League ofLegends. The reason why it is called 5v5 is that it is a player vs player game,basically five versus five. You will get the role of a Summoner, and you willhave to select a player who will play the game on behalf of yours. Every player(champion) available for selection, carries a different set of powers,capabilities, and abilities, and also every character will have a differentrole to play. The Nexus of the enemy’s team must get destroyed by you and yourteam so that you can win the game. If you want to reach the Nexus of the otherteam, you and your team will have to destroy the turrets that protect the Nexusof the other team.
To reach the Nexus, you will have to follow the three per laneand two protecting it. After you have knocked down at least three, you willneed to destroy at least one “inhibitor”.
After you have destroyed the inhibitor, Nexus might lay superminions on the lane, remember these will do a lot more damage, by pushing thelane reaching the enemy’s Nexus very quickly. Do make sure that you stay out ofthe reach of the turrets. If you are nearby them, they may attack you,
Leagues ofLegends: Minions
Minions are a great source of gold income for every champ. Theycome down to the lanes in the form of waves and that too every couple ofminutes. You have to farm to get money, and for that, you need to “the lasthit” the minions.
The new players might find last-hitting a bit harder. Don’t beashamed if you are not able to do so. In the meanwhile, keep in mind that theminions also help in protecting the champ from attacks of the turrets. Theyalso help in pushing the lanes.
Always make sure that you restrict attacking enemies in theirtower. If you do so, the tower will turn against you, thereby completelyneglecting any minions in between.
Leagues ofLegends: How to Get into the Game?
After all the champs are ‘locked in’, you will get 10 secondsfor setting up your skills, rune page, and the extras if any, like littlelegends (pets), emotes, and ward skins. You will have to make sure that you dolock-in, if not done, you will be restricted from playing another game for awhile as you will be thrown out of the lobby.
When you come in contact with the Rift, you will have to open upthe shop to purchase the starting items. We recommend you to buy those thatwill suit best for the champion or on the position on which you are playing.You can play on any of the positions like Top, Middle, Bot Lane, and Jungle.The Top and Middle positions are solo lanes where you have to play in acompletely isolated yet beautiful environment. In the Top, you play as afighter or a tank. In the Mid, an assassin or a mage. The Bot is, however, a duolane where only the Marksman can farm. He plays it with basic support. Thesupport here helps in the good cause of the team by buying the gold generatingitems.
Leagues ofLegends: Communication
There are various color-coded smart pings in the game, whichmainly play the role of alerting the team on different instances accordingly.The “?” symbol in yellow tells that the enemy is missing, the red-colored “!”tells about the danger ahead, the blue flag is a symbol for guidance, and thegreen arrow pointing downwards is the signal denoting “on my way”.
Leagues ofLegends: 5v5 modes
You will see three 5v5 game modes in the League of Legends. Theyare as follows:
- Blind Pick: In Blind Pick, players choose champs simultaneously. Blind Pick is the simplest mode of 5v5 games. While selecting the champs, the teams will only be able to see each other’s champs after the screen loads and not before that.
- Draft Pick: The teams have to select a champion to ban from the game. They have to do this ten times. To have an edge at the very start of the game, the bans need to be strategic.
- Ranked: This mode follows a similar method like the one in the draft pick. It is mainly used for competitive playing and getting a good rank in the league.
You will have no idea in the starting about what is going on inthe game, and it will annoy you when one champ keeps on killing you. This, infact, never changes but later on, you will get used to it. You will then selectthe position and the champs according to you. The game will obviously test alot of your patience. You will have to learn about a lot of tactics. But themore you dig deeper into the game, the more you will start understanding it inbetter terms.
David Root is a self-professed security expert; he has been making thepeople aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. Hewrites for Norton security products at
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