
Giving Mother's Day Gifts
Mothers were said to be given freshly baked bread as a way of gratitude on Mother's Day. To make sure that their mothers awoke to the scent from freshly cooked bread, kids would wake up prior to their parents, and then put it in the oven. If you're lucky, you'll get to spend the entire day with your mom either at a fine restaurant or in the comfort of your home your family for a Sunday roast.
After the service, the whole family would then eat an evening of roast lamb or a veal dinner, and the mother was crowned Queen of the evening. Today, like on Mother's Day, it's all about showing mom that you love her by treating her to a lavish pampering to make her feel special.
Refreshment Sunday has been referred to being Mothering Sunday because it was the Sunday in mid-lent when the fast could get "eased" and families could have a fantastic meal together. The break from the monotony of Lent was the ideal reason to indulge in the most delicious dishes across the planet, for just one day.
Simnel Sunday, which was once celebrated by baking fresh delicious Simnel cakes was also known by the name of "Simnel Sunday." Simnel cakes are made up from two rich, fruity layers created with almond paste the top and the middle before being cooked in water and baked.
The marzipan and sugar-violet balls were often utilized to depict eleven disciples (excluding Judas), sugar violets were also a popular