
This article will talk about the most common mistakes experienced solar energy consumers have made when designing their battery systems. We hope that by publishing some information on this matter, people can avoid some common product design problems which can save them a lot of time, headache and potentially serious amounts of money if they're not careful before investing in any pre-built system.
For those eager to start a solar power system design, it's important to do thorough research first. Otherwise, you run the risk of not accounting for certain aspects in your design and drawing up expensive plans that may not be the most efficient for your needs or what customers may want.
Here are the points that came up over and over again:
1. Confusing off-grid and grid-tie solar
Solar power can save your money, too! With a solar power system, you will decide the best time to turn on your air conditioner, and it's not just about running it less; it's about getting more relaxation time away from the heat. Now you can stop spending more than you wanted to on an energy bill each month because, with that kind of savings in mind, one could know why they're lining up to buy solar panels. So if you have been meaning to think about making changes in a home or started looking into going solar but haven't made any decisions yet – now is a perfect time. You might notice something during certain times of day when the sun is especially bright, and after adjusting some settings somewhere in your house, you'll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly what will happen without a doubt.
2. Improper system sizing
Applying solar panels to your roof can be a great way of conserving energy and contributing to the health of our planet, but sizing those panels is an important consideration that shouldn't be overlooked. One way to ensure your system is efficient and reliable is by making sure you're buying solar panels from a supplier with a solid track record - like Sunlight Solar!
3. "Solar prevents power outages!"
One of the main concerns that business owners have is how they will make sure they maintain power during a grid outage. This can be quite challenging if you opt for a typical grid-tied system.
4. Leasing
When you lease your system from a third party through a Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA), the value of that investment pretty much vanishes.
We can think of a few reasons why leasing is a bad deal.
Before you decide to lease solar panels, you will read the fine print. First of all, your contractor promises that you won't pay a penny of any incentives for installing the system yourself. That's why it may seem tempting to lease—you get solar panels without paying up-front installation costs. But there's no way for you to know whether your company will receive incentives because, in most cases, neither you nor your installer is eligible for the 30% federal investment tax credit or any local rebates and credits.
How to Avoid These Costly Solar Mistakes
You might notice that you can't purchase a complete HVAC system from our website. We require that clients get in touch for a design consultation first because we are responsible for providing clients with the right equipment and parts to make an efficient heating and air conditioning system. If you happened to buy parts not compatible with each other, you probably wouldn't have very good results, which is why we provide customized recommendations when selling systems.
Our advice: Be sure to do your homework and research every possible potential outcome of your project, but before you make that big investment, look into the benefits of hiring a professional in the solar design industry. A well-respected designer will be able to notify you of any potential mishaps in your design - whether they're elementary or perhaps faulty on your part. For more information on sunshine coast solar installer or solar sunshine coast, contact AHLEC right away!
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