3 benefits and precautions of using a cooling patch
3 benefits and precautions of using a cooling patch
The antipyretic paste achieves a rapid cooling effect through the physical change of water vaporization and heat absorption. It has the characteristics of high fever emergency, safe fever, rapid cooling, and brain protection.

3 benefits and precautions of using a cooling patch

01. What is a cooling patch?

The antipyretic paste achieves a rapid cooling effect through the physical change of water vaporization and heat absorption. It has the characteristics of high fever emergency, safe fever, rapid cooling, and brain protection. It is a commonly used physical cooling product, so it is widely used in children with colds and fever. Representatives include Kangdi's Cooling gel patch and similar products, Eye Gel Patch.

02. Correct usage of the cooling patch

1. Before use, make sure the skin surface is clean.

2. Tear off the plastic film and place the cooling patch on the child’s forehead or temple. (Here, you can cut the antipyretic patch to a suitable size according to the area of the site to be used).

3. It is best to use each cool fever patch only once to ensure the effect and hygiene.

4. Put the cooling patchin the refrigerator before using it or use multiple anti-heat patches at the same time, it will speed up the cooling rate.

03. Benefits of using cooling patch

1. Cool gel pad is suitable for the auxiliary treatment and emergency physical cooling of fever and fever caused by various reasons for all kinds of people. It can effectively relieve fever, headache, nasal congestion, irritability, and other discomfort symptoms. It has an adjuvant effect in reducing the damage of fever to brain cells.

2. Suitable for closed soft tissue injury, cooling, cold compress.

3. Summer application can play a good role in preventing heatstroke and cooling.

04. Precautions for the use of cooling patch

1. Fever patch can only play a physical cooling role, not a panacea.

2. It is best to use it as soon as possible after opening, otherwise the cooling effect will become worse.

3. Do not use antipyretic patches around the eyes and mouth.

4. Children with skin rashes, wounds, and other abnormalities and allergies, it is best not to use the cooling patch.

5. During or after use, once itching, swelling, inflammation and other abnormal conditions occur, stop using it immediately and consult a doctor.

05. Other questions about the cooling patch

1. How long is the cooling patch use time?

The cooling patch is used for no more than 8 hours

The physical characteristics of the gel fever patch determine that its cooling effect is good, but the process is not too short. The use time of each anti-heat patch is different. The entire cooling process will last from 15 minutes to 4 hours, and the longest use time is not More than 8 hours.

2. Is it possible to only use the cooling patch when the child has a fever?

The cooling patch cannot be used as the only way

The antipyretic patch cannot solve all the basic causes of fever. It can only regulate the internal environment together with the autoimmune system, and together with physical cooling, it can reduce fever. If it is only a fever caused by mild inflammation, the cooling patch is more effective than any anti-fever medicine, but fever caused by a viral cold or a more serious illness should be treated promptly.

Using a cooling patch is not only a simple way to reduce your child’s fever, but it can also help your child and family stay cool in the heat. Understand the benefits of using our cooling patch, and be sure to check out our other Kangdi products.


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Contact Person: Shawn Simon



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