
What is Biodynamic Massage?
Massage is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. The body is equipped with two major nervous systems: the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the "fight or flight" response, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which is focused on relaxation. Massages are designed to increase the parasympathetic response by reducing cortisol levels, and increasing serotonin and dopamine. This improves your body's general function and reduces blood pressure.
Biodynamic massage utilizes specific techniques to promote the expression of health in clients. These techniques modify the level of pressure and the direction of movement, and the area of contact. These techniques enhance the healing potential of the cranial system and restore the proper alignment of the body's parts. This type of massage is especially effective for people suffering from chronic pain, which makes it essential to incorporate biodynamic techniques into your routine. Additionally, you will learn to apply acupressure, the most basic method of Swedish massage.
Biodynamic massage is based on the idea that energy flows through cycles. Gerda Boyesen called these cycles the vasomotoric cycle. Incomplete vasomotoric cycles can cause discomfort and ill health. A biodynamic massage therapist employs techniques to restore these natural rhythms and stimulate free flow of energy throughout the body. Imagine a deer that is frightened by a