
There's a growing list of prescription drugs that kids loot from medicine cabinets for a high. In many cases, the medicine cabinet at home has replaced the local drug pusher as the source of teenagers' drugs of choice.
How Prevalent is the Problem?
In a survey conducted by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, nearly Where to buy Percocet online 20% of adolescents ages 12 to 18 admitted to having used prescription drugs at least once to get high. This same survey revealed that 10% of this group used cough syrup to get high at least once. Prescription and over-the-counter medication abuse now rivals that of illegal drug use among teens.
Teenage girls are more likely to experiment with prescription drugs. Teenage boys continue to use illegal drugs more often than they do prescription drugs, according to the study. Among both male and female teens, there is a dangerous misconception that using prescribed medication to get high is safer than using illegal drugs. After all, it's really just "borrowing" medicine, right?
In the article "Delinquents in Suburbia" in the June 2001 issue of The American Enterprise, Jim Holstine of Florida Addiction Services in Cape Coral said that the abuse of prescription drugs among teens in that community had soared since 1996, with Holstine estimating that half of the suburb's teens had experimented with prescription drug use.
List of Prescription Drugs Prime for Abuse