
Presto's Humidity Chamber
If you are looking for the best quality humidity chamber to test your product quality, then we suggest that you go with Presto. Presto is one of the best and trusted testing instruments manufacturer in India. We believe that you be will delightfully surprise to see some of the latest innovations in both concept and design. We will be happy to supply this humidity chamber testing instrument at your convenience.
Presto’s top most high-quality humidity chamber manufacturer. This vital testing instrument used for analyzing the prolong effect of humidity on components to fix its quality parameters. This instrument is not subjected to only one industry applications. It is used in pharmaceuticals, plastic and rubber industries for quality assurance testing.
Application of Humidity Chambers
Humidity Chambers are utilized in large number of industries to assure the quality of different products and applications such as:
· Pharmaceutical Industries – To test the effect of highly humid environment on medicines and drugs.
· Rubber Industries – To determine the crack initiation or melting of rubbers in the hot and cold environment.
· Plastic Industries – To measure the effect on the mechanical and physical properties of plastic products in a humid environment and high temperatures.
Give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at to know humidity chamber price, features and technical specification.