
Usually, snacks are the small quantity of food that we love to munch between meals. A range of snack items like biscuits, fruit cakes, nachos, chops, etc. are tempting. Though they are good in taste but have two main pitfalls. The first is the rising gluten content and the second is they are deep-fried. You attempt to opt for something healthy instead; the taste factor resists you from choosing so.
However, health is something you cannot ignore. Fried snacks have high-fat content that accumulates bad cholesterol in the blood leading to cardiovascular issues. If you are in the process to switch to a heartier lifestyle, you need to change snacking habits. Whether it is a tea break in the office or evening tea time with family during weekends, always prefer healthy options.
Jowar Snacks- Your Evening Snacks Partner:
A hot cup of tea accompanied with healthy snacks is a better option. Here, the term "healthy" means substituting your oily snacks with something that adds to your health. At the same time, it should complement the cup of hot tea infused with the essence of Darjeeling tea leaves.
Confused about choosing the snack alternatives that are good in taste and loaded with health benefits? Switch to jowar snacks that are truly delicious and tastes heavenly with tea. They are made with 100% natural and nutritious ingredients like jowar (the basic one) added with loads of healthy Indian spices. They are mixed to give you a commendable taste that you will prefer whenever you are ready with a cup of tea
You do not need to visit from one store to another to stock them for evening tea retreat. You can buy jowar pops online available in various flavors like aam panna, imli, or the tangy tomato. These flavors burst in your mouth and make you forget those nasty oily snacks that you felt were your taste companions.
Which Jowar Pop Flavor Would You Prefer For Your Cup Of Tea?
There are multiple jowar snacks online to choose from a wide variety. Jowar pops are the most popular. Available in different flavors, they are a perfect choice to satisfy your taste buds.
Are you confused about which flavor to choose? Well, you can pick anyone you love to have as each one of them is equally tasty. Also, you can choose among the flavors depending on the taste of your tea.
Imli Chatka Flavor:
If you prefer to have tea with light a flavor and balance of every ingredient in it, then Imli chatka flavor is for you. Sip a cup of balanced flavored tea with tangy imli jowar pop.
Desi Aam Panna Flavor:
That goes with every tea type you prepare. Buy jowar pops of any flavor to complement your evening tea. However, if you love to have a strong tea having high tea leaves content, the aam panna flavor will be your choice.
Tomato Masala:
This tastes great with a cup of hot masala tea. If you love masala tea, keep the sugar content a bit low to enjoy the tomato taste. It is also preferred when you have a cup of sweet tea with you without any spice content.
Switch to snacking habits that are sumptuous and fat-free. Jowar pops are guilt-free and a healthy option to enjoy your evening tea.