
With schools and offices encouraging and persuading people to study and work from home, it’s only but natural that kids and parents are spending more time together. And, one of the businesses that have seen a significant increase despite COVID, in the last six months is the sale of TV/Computer games. Either to take a break from their work or to help increase the bonding between parent and child, families are buying Game consoles and downloading apps for games that can be played on the computer or on the mobile device, phone, or tablet. Know emf protection for cell phone for it.
All types of electronic displays are known to emit electromagnetic fields or radiation (EMF). An increasing number of people who are spending considerable time in front of computer monitors and cellular devices are reporting symptoms related to hypersensitivity. Studies have shown that EMFs may have a possible association with childhood malignancy, especially leukemia, neurological, and psychological diseases in adults1-4 and reduced serum testosterone levels in adult males.
In these pandemic times, while it is difficult to not spend time playing digital games, there is always an option to continue playing with protection. Hence, a more practical way will be to use radiation protection products such as VIVOBASE which provide comprehensive protection from the bad effect of electromagnetic signals. Motto should be BE PROTECTED. STAY CONNECTED