
TheAmerican Heart Association recommends using automated external defibrillators(AEDs) during all types of cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is a medicalemergency in which the heart stops pumping blood and does not circulate enoughblood to supply the body's functions. In the early stages of cardiac arrest,life-threatening ventricular tachycardia is caused by ventricular tachycardiacaused by insufficient blood flow to the brain.
Someforms of cardiovascular diseases may not have anything to do with a heartattack, such as a sudden cardiac arrest caused by infection or other problems.However, it's important to recognize these conditions as having the potentialto cause life-threatening medical emergencies. By treating these medicalconditions with the same treatment used for a heart attack, doctors can reducethe chances of additional complications from occurring. Because of this, AEDsare often life-saving devices during any type of cardiac arrest.
AutomatedCPR devices are atremendous convenience for medical personnel and families. They help to ensurethat every person who is potentially eligible for survival receives treatmentuntil they have been restored to normal breathing. However, even with theadvantages provided by these devices, human CPR should still be practiced inthe event of an emergency. Humans are still the most effective resuscitatorsand can provide critical care during an emergency when automated CPR devicesare not necessary.
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