
Water-based Coating Binders, also known as WaterResin Binder or Water Bracelets are gaining popularity fast. There is a widerange of applications of these Coating Products, which include anti-staticprotection, anti-tarnishment, and rustproofing. It can be used for any kind ofCoatings. It is mostly used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, energysuppliers, automotive industries, distribution & refining, pulp & paperindustry, Automobile manufacturing, etc. These binders are also known assolvent removers. They can work effectively on metals and alloys. The mainfunction of these binders is to provide a non-permeable barrier for a specificbonding process. Generally, the purpose of a solvent-based binder is to formeffective surface protection for welding and soldering operations.
In general, there are three types of solvents usedin the industry. The first one is chlorinated solvents, which include THMs(trihalomethanes), chlorination by-products (CHMPs), and THMs. The second oneis petroleum-based solvent-based coatings binders. Furthermore, polarsolvent-based coating binders. Let us study the three types more closely. Thechlorinated solvents tend to form end-use industries-related health problemssuch as cancer and mercury poisoning. They are also considered chlorinatedsolvents as they are more toxic than the commonly used hydrocarbons. The THMsformed during the manufacturing process are more dangerous to low-cost andlow-quality enamel coatings than those released during the processing of oiland gas. Hence, the use of low-cost, low-quality water-basedcoating binders that contain THMs poses safety threats not only forend-use industries, however, also for the environment.
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