
Global UrsodeoxycholicAcid Market, by Dosage Form (Solid Dosage Form and Liquid Dosage Form), byMode of Extraction (Synthetic and Biological), by Application (Gallstones,Cystic Fibrosis, Liver Cirrhosis, and Others), and by Region (North America,Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa), was valued atUS$ 457.3 million in 2017 and is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 10.1% over theforecast period (2018 – 2026).
Development of liquidursodeoxycholic acid can offer growth opportunities to market players, sinceUDCA is currently prescribed only in solid form. Introducing a liquidformulation of ursodeoxycholic acid would provide healthcare professionals analternate dosing method for patients who have difficulty swallowing tablets orcapsules. Major players in the market are focusing on receiving patents forliquid formulation of UDCA. For instance, in June 2016, Retrophin, Inc. signeda definitive agreement to purchase rights, titles, and ownership of a liquidformulation of ursodeoxycholic acid from Asklepion Pharmaceuticals, LLC.Furthermore, in 2017, Retrophin announced plans to file a new drug application(NDA) with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the liquid formulation ofursodeoxycholic acid, to be used for treating primary biliary cholangitis(PBC).
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Browse 32 Market Data Tables and22 Figures spread through 160 Pages and in-depth TOC on ‘Ursodeoxycholic AcidMarket’- Global Forecast to 2026, by Dosage Form (Solid Dosage Form and LiquidDosage Form), by Mode of Extraction (Synthetic and Biological), by Application(Gallstones, Cystic Fibrosis, Liver Cirrhosis and Others) and by Region (NorthAmerica, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa)
The Asia Pacific region isexpected to be dominant in the ursodeoxycholic acid market over the forecast period,due to reasons such as high prevalence of diseases such as gallstones and livercirrhosis. For instance, according to the data published by the OMICSInternational, in India, liver cirrhosis resulted in 1.2 million deaths in2013, increasing from 0.8 million deaths in 1990. Furthermore, key players inthe region are focusing on gaining approval for development of ursodeoxycholicacid for novel indication. For instance, In February, 2019, EA Pharma isdeveloping nor-ursodeoxycholic acid for treatment of primary sclerosingcholangitis (PSC), and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in Japan.
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Key Takeaways of theUrsodeoxycholic Acid Market:
The global ursodeoxycholic acidmarket is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 10.1% over the forecast period, owingto rapid research in development of novel ursodeoxycholic acid. High prevalenceof diseases such as gallstone and liver cirrhosis is expected to fuel growth ofthe market.
Among dosage form, solid dosageform segment held dominant position in the ursodeoxycholic acid market in 2018,owing to development of capsule and tablet form of Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)by various manufacturers such as Grindex and Intercept Pharmaceuticals, fortreatment of primary biliary cholangitis.
Among application, gall stonessegment held dominant position in the ursodeoxycholic acid market in 2018,owing to increasing incidence of the condition. For instance, according to theAmerican Gastroenterological Association 2017 report, gallstones is affecting10-15% of the U.S. population annually, which accounts for around 25 millionpeople.
Companies operating in the globalursodeoxycholic acid market include Dipharma Francis Srl, ERREGIERRE S.p.A.,Grindeks, Industria Chimica Emiliana, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation,Zhongshan Belling Biotechnology Co., Glenmark Pharmaceutical Limited, AbilChempharma Private Limited, Biotavia Labs Pvt Ltd, Daewoong Bio Inc., PharmaZellGmbH, and Suzhou Tianlu Bio-pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
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