
Ultrasound Gels are usually placeddirectly onto a patient's skin either before or after a normal ultrasoundprocedure or exam. Many people confuse ultrasound gels with ultrasonic spongesas they are both technically similar to each other. Ultrasound is light energythat travels through space while sound waves are sound waves. It is thetransmission of these two types of waves that produce ultrasound. UltrasoundGels work in much the same way that ultrasound machines used to work back inthe day. The only difference is the technology that is being used. These days,ultrasound gels can be used during a variety of different types of medicalexams and treatments. They are used as a way of helping to reduce pain anddiscomfort and to help keep a patient healthy.
There are a lot of differentapplications for ultrasoundgels. The first of these applications is topical applications. Manypeople find that using ultrasound gels on their skin can make them feel a lotbetter. There are a lot of people who have used these lotions on their facesand bodies and found that this has made them feel better. Lotion applied to thebody or face can help to get rid of some skin conditions such as acne. Anothertype of application that ultrasound gels can be used for is removing airbubbles from the skin. Air bubbles can form at the corners of a person's eyesand they can cause irritation to the eye balls if left untreated. These airbubbles can also lead to headaches and earaches. By using ultrasound lotionsthat remove air bubbles, a person can reduce the amount of pain that they areexperiencing by stopping the formation of these air bubbles.
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