
Two Powerful Rotavators from 2 Powerful Companies in India
Firstly let’s know about rotavators. Rotavators are the farming equipments, which work as tractor-mounted implements. We can use a rotavator for our farming needs. The primary work for a rotavator is land preparation. In addition, it can smooth and level the soil after the ploughing operation. It is well fitted with rotary blades, which break the soil and take ground to its acceptable tilth level. For making excellent seedbeds, you can use rotavators.
Apart from this, different types of brands are manufacturing high-quality rotavators. And we are here with 2 models from 2 powerful brands.
2 Powerful Rotavators
Let’s have a look at 2 powerful rotavators from two powerful companies in India, which are:
Mahindra Gyrovator ZLX 185
Mahindra Gyrovator ZLX 185 rotavator is a powerful model from the renowned brands Mahindra and Mahindra. The implementing power of this Mahindra rotavator is 45 to 60 HP, and it comes with Multi-Speed: 4-speed standard gearbox.
Landforce Robusto
Landforce Robusto rotavator comes from the Landforce brand with highly modern solutions. And this Landforce rotavator has 40 to 90 HP implement power and a Multi-Speed gearbox. In addition, it has 36 to 60 L type blades to till the land.
For more, visit Tractor Junction. Here you can get everything about tractors and farm implements.